Applying makeup has become an integral part of life for most women in society. It is considered an art and must be done correctly to achieve satisfactory results. However, it is important to take certain precautions when applying makeup to maintain your health. There are several types of makeup available on the market for specific parts of your face. They include mascara, eyeliners, eyeshadow, lipstick, lip gloss, powders, eyeliner and foundation, and even blush cream.

5 Quick Basic Safety Precautions

· Always observe hygiene

You should always wash your hands and face well before putting on makeup or even digging into your toiletry bag. You can also use a hand sanitizer for this. Makeup applicators, such as brushes and sponges, should be kept clean. They should be washed thoroughly with hot soapy water after use. You should also immerse your eyelash curler in a glass of hydrogen peroxide and let it soak for a few minutes and then wipe it with a clean cloth. Makeup bags should also be cleaned often with a clean cloth.

· Throw away the old makeup

You should never wear old or expired makeup. You should replace the lipsticks and lip gloss every 6 months. Liquid foundations should also be discarded after 6 months, regardless of whether they are oil-based or water-based. You should also replace your mascara every 6 months and discard the used ones.

· Careful use of cosmetics.

You must use your makeup applicators carefully to avoid injury. Cosmetics that are shiny should not be used on delicate organs such as the eye, as they may contain components that can damage the eye and, in turn, affect your vision. Eye makeup application should not be done when you are distracted. For example, when you drive. This is because you could seriously scratch your eye.

· Do not share

You should also stick to your own makeup and not wear anyone else’s. This is because sharing can lead to the transfer of bacteria and viruses and therefore cause embarrassing skin infections.

· Quality makeup

Lastly, and most importantly, you should buy genuine, professional-quality makeup to avoid buying harmful material that can cause serious health problems.

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