One of the most important resources to turn to when grieving the death of a loved one is the core spiritual beliefs and traditions to which you have been exposed. Many mourners have told me about using their spiritual practices to find meaning and ultimate peace of mind as they try to integrate their losses into their suddenly different worlds.

In particular, spiritual beliefs help provide comfort and, in many cases, a sense of relief and meaning in the face of the loss of loved ones. Here are seven ways to plumb the depths of your beliefs to find peace and, ultimately, the motivation to begin the process of coming to terms with death.

1. Meditate on the belief that the people who come into your life to help you right now, the meaningful things you read, the unexpected things that seem to come out of nowhere and bring comfort, are the Universe, God, or a Higher Being. Being able to know that you are needed and remember you. Look for ways that your higher power tries to connect with you. If you seek, you will find. Many choose their Higher Power to be their therapist. Believe that your Higher Power is with you, especially in times of need.

2. Love has long been considered the most powerful force in dealing with fear and worry, which are common responses to grief. Love protects. God, the Universe, and your Higher Power all work through love. This is why our support networks are so useful. You will also feel better if, even when you are suffering, you show love for others through service. Create a care routine.

Focusing on how to love through separation, a critical spiritual task, will also keep your loved one alive in your heart as you begin the main task of coming to terms with your loss. It will give you a spiritual boost. And, most important of all, love yourself without limits. Be good to yourself. Give yourself a gift every day.

3. Use traditions and rituals as vital supports in coping with transitions. You can create new rituals to start each day, remember your loved one, or try to establish a new habit or routine. Rituals stabilize us and help us connect. Perhaps you want to start a tradition of celebrating the deceased’s birthday or a special anniversary.

4. Read what the various holy books say about the legitimacy of pain. Do not deny the bread. Many divine figures became sad. Jesus was sad. Give yourself permission to cry as long as you feel it is necessary. Accept your grievance and let it run its course. Rest assured, your complaint is not just normal; he’s the only guy on the planet, because every relationship is unique. And, don’t avoid legitimate suffering. It will cause even more suffering in the final analysis.

5. Many people believe in the doctrine of the Communion of Saints. It is essentially the belief that deceased loved ones who go to heaven can be prayed to and intercede with God for the survivors on earth. I often tell mourners that there is nothing wrong with talking to the deceased loved one or praying for a sign that the loved one is in a better place. If he doesn’t get an answer right away, don’t feel like his Higher Power hasn’t heard. Be patient and persist. Believe that you will be heard and never abandoned.

6. If you believe in a spirit world, the afterlife, or heaven, then you can also think of the following possibilities. Possibility is what hope is all about.

A. Your loved one knows what you are going through.

B. Your loved one can help you now more than before.

C. You can ask for ideas on how to deal with a bothersome problem.

D. The deceased loved one assumes that there will always be a relationship with the survivors.

E. Grieve with conviction and remember that you will be guided through your ordeal.

F. Someday there will be a meeting.

7. Pray for the wisdom to make the right decisions. Coping well and a good complaint are about wise decisions. For example, when will you intentionally start new routines, when will you freely express how you feel, when will you take a break from your grievance, when will you employ self-care on a regular basis, and when will you begin to love apart are all based on the power of choice? . For months or years, your choices will pave the way for integrating loss into life. Pray like she would talk to her best friend. Scream for help. Ask for strength, but seek wisdom to choose.

We are mysterious beings who clearly have a spiritual longing. Be open to how your everyday spirituality (kindness, active care, compassion, we are all connected) can play an important role in bringing comfort and new meaning to your life in this time of great turmoil. Talk to others who have similar beliefs and allow your intuition to become part of your decision-making process. You possess the ability to grow through your great loss and find inner peace.

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