Do you know the signs to look for that indicate that your girl is reaching the female orgasm?

The reason this is important is because it leads to better sex for both you and her. If she doesn’t fake it, it’s sad for her and it’s also a crushing blow to a man’s self-confidence.

I didn’t always know what to look for. After all, they don’t teach this in school and our parents sure don’t teach us.
But you know what?
As I took it upon myself to learn this (among many other things), I began to experience much more satisfying intimacy with my wife AND I KNOW when she is reaching her orgasm (as opposed to faking it).
So, one secret to having great sex is to know the signs that you are coming to orgasm:
The most powerful signs are the non-verbal ones. Nonverbal cues rarely fool us.
Pay attention to how he moves his pelvis.. Women often move their pelvis without thinking much about it, so don’t fake pelvic movements.
If your girl moves her pelvis away, this is also a sign.. Also, if she tends to raise her hands to move away from your chest, it could mean that you’re hitting her uterus. This can be quite painful for women and you need to pay attention and be more superficial.
–If your girl moves or pushes her pelvis towards you and/or puts her hands on your butt and pulls you towards her, it means she wants you to push and push a little harder and/or deeper.
Pay attention to his breathing and whether or not his skin turns red.. If he starts to gasp and breathe harder, it means that his pleasure is increasing.
Caveat:listen to their moans, but keep in mind that this is the easiest thing to fake.
Paying attention to these non-verbal cues can help you become a better lover AND can ensure that your girl always has her female orgasm.

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