Spells to levitate objects are not always very useful by themselves. Levitation, or the use of telekinesis, is actually the ability to harness a power within yourself and this will take time and dedication to develop. However, if you do, you’ll feel great! So I’ve put together a short guide on how to use spells to levitate objects, levitation in general, and psychic connections.

First of all, you need to appreciate that this is difficult to master and it can take anywhere from weeks to months and even years to see the rewards for your efforts. However, look at it the same way as learning to ride a bike. You thought you’d never crack it to begin with, but now you don’t even have to think about it! It’s hard to pinpoint where that transition from falling to riding with confidence came from, but faith certainly has a hand. It is recommended that you try to practice using your levitating spells for at least 20 minutes a day, but don’t let yourself get stressed out. If you do, it just won’t work, so leave it for now and start again when you’re calm.

Spells to levitate objects or chants?

You can use spells to levitate objects or you can also repeat a chant, as this will generate energies within you. It can be something simple like ‘get up and fly’ which, if you say it rhythmically and repeatedly, will start to lull you into a meditative state. It may seem a bit ironic to say that you will accumulate more strength by being relaxed, but that is when your spiritual and psychic energies are likely to be most accessible. You will find that the connection is stronger.

If you use a spell to levitate the object, try writing your own. It will be much more personal, have more power, and you will also be able to customize it to fit the objects as you progress through them. So, for example, write your spell to levitate a feather specifically by moving towards a matchbox, etc. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated. Just try to include as many personal things as possible, like what you want to achieve and feel.

Psychic energy fields

Start working on visualizing your energy. You will need to see it as a surrounding light (many choose the color blue because it is a spiritual color). If you use psychic protection you will already be used to working with this. Then you will need to start giving this power some real strength. You can imagine yourself taking the form of an arm if it helps, but see it as a power with strength, a part of you that you can flex and use almost like another limb. It is this projection that you will use for telekinesis.

For your first project, you should try to start moving a very light object, such as a pencil or pen. However, make sure that all windows and doors are closed and there are no drafts around. It can be tricky! At this stage, you just want to try to get the object to move. Don’t expect anything dramatic to happen. This is not a party trick, this is about developing your senses and powers. Visualize the object moving and also focus on where you want it to move. Start by moving it slightly to the right, then to the left. It’s extremely difficult to move objects off the floor or surface of your workspace, but ultimately this is what you’re working for.

Most importantly, have fun with your levitating spells or whatever method of telekinesis you choose to use. Practice makes perfect, but have faith and you will reach extraordinary heights!

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