The connection between spirit and body is now well known and documented. We know that stress, insufficient rest and poor diet lead to poor health. But now doctors can determine that depression and anxiety can also cause things like high blood pressure, migraines, strokes, heart attacks, and even cancer and autoimmune diseases.

One of the main things that can cause depression and anxiety is when we are out of spell with our God source and deny ourselves. We begin to experience a series of problems and, sure enough, the spiritual illness appears as a physical illness. In addition to physical food, mental health problems also appear.

Be honest with yourself and see if any of these apply to your life right now.

Are you experiencing self-denial on any level, low self-esteem, living in quiet desperation in a job you hate or a relationship you’ve outgrown?

Are these social disorders appearing in your life: inability to adapt to change, victim mentality, inability to get along with others or maintain relationships?

Don’t just self-medicate. We’ve seen how that can end! Acknowledge that your spirit is giving you the gift of unhappiness to encourage you to step into a greater version of yourself. Your discomfort means you’re playing small in an area where you don’t belong.

My own story is that I have been that person in a corporate job that I hated. I dreaded Sunday nights because I had to go to work on Monday morning. I know the gut-wrenching fear and stress of spending life in a cubicle, unappreciated and going nowhere, even in the glamorous fashion industry in which I worked.

Even though I hated it and knew it wasn’t for me, I was still scared, scared of the unknown, scared of how I would pay my bills, scared of what would become of me. And it was enough to keep me stuck in those jobs for far too long. Isn’t it strange that even though we are unhappy, change still seems overwhelming? So what finally pushed me? That quiet despair turned into depression and frustration. I was at such a low point that I had to look for other options. Finally, I turned within and began to listen to my intuition or the voice of God guiding me to my next steps. I decided to trust the process.

Your awareness of the process means you have enough pain to grow and make the necessary changes, resilience means you are susceptible to sickness and disease as fear, resentment and stagnation set in. Yes, your pain, unhappiness, and discomfort are the clues, the tools, and the bridge to your success and happiness if you follow through with an open heart and mind.

Having been there myself, I can say that you don’t have to be in physical or emotional distress before you answer your call. Use your dissatisfaction to propel yourself to the life you must learn now!

be blessed

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