Stress can make us lose perspective. The Abraham-Hicks teachings can help you get it back. Abraham, in case you don’t know, are (yes, plural!) a group of non-physical beings who share their wisdom with us by speaking through Esther Hicks. They have a lot to say about the need to feel good.

In fact, they said: “The most important thing is that you feel good.” I guess that means if you do it, everything else will fall into place. Abraham also provides us with a whole collection of tools that help with that challenging task. If you want more information, he can buy one of his books. I especially love Ask and it shall be given and Money and the Law of Attraction. Here are some of Abraham’s techniques:

a) Which thought feels better?

In case of stress or unhappiness, ask yourself: “In what periods did you think you feel better”? Always look for the next best thought, they say. This isn’t too difficult, especially once you get some practice. An example: I am very stressed by all those bills. Better: I am grateful for the services that these people provided me (including money lending services in the case of credit cards).

Why not go for the thought that feels best from the start? Why not go all the way? Why not think “I’m so happy to be a debt free millionaire!” Wouldn’t that be even more effective?

The answer is no, because it is not possible. Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling down, you find happy people really annoying? There is a reason for that. If you’re feeling miserable, you’ll need to feel a little better first. So one that feels a little better still. And so on until you are where you want to be.

b) Positive aspects: No matter how miserable you feel, you can always find SOME positive in almost anything. Make a list.

c) What do you want? Instead of complaining about the things you don’t like in your life, focus on what you DO want.

Don’t complain about wanting but not having enough money. Focus on how to get more. Think how nice it will be when you have more. According to Abraham, the Universe does not understand “no”. So if you say “I don’t want to work that hard”. hear “work so hard” and it gives you more of the hard work you dislike so much.

Focus instead on the type of work you would like. Include some of the details. Reasonable hours, friendly co-workers, appreciative bosses and clients, and excellent pay. And the universe will bring you more of those things.

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