With yoga schools and classes available virtually all over the country, there’s no excuse for anyone interested in yoga not to dive right in. And men who are interested in maintaining the health of their penis may want to do some research on downward facing dog or warrior positions. Yes, practicing yoga can be a good way to support the proper functioning of the penis, and that is something that all men value.

an ancient practice

Yoga has been around for centuries, though only in the last few decades has it become so widely available in Western cultures. Originating in ancient India, yoga actually encompasses a variety of mental, physical, and spiritual practices. But when a person refers to yoga today, they are usually referring to a form of physical exercise that incorporates meditation and other mental components. Unlike working out with weights at the gym, yoga is more of a low-impact form of exercise, though it can also provide a real workout when needed.

Although yoga is more than this, most people associate yoga essentially with exercises that emphasize achieving and maintaining specially designed postures.

The penis connection

And how can yoga benefit the function of the penis? One way is through the potential increase in testosterone.

Testosterone, as most men know, is a key component of penile function. Higher testosterone levels are generally associated with increased muscle mass and tone, stronger bones, increased energy, better heart health, a strong libido, and healthy erections. Therefore, maintaining adequate levels of testosterone is important for a man.

Some studies have indicated that regular yoga practice can help increase or maintain testosterone levels. This becomes especially important as men age, as the natural aging process typically includes some decline in testosterone.

How does yoga help?

Yoga is believed to help with testosterone production in a number of ways.

– De-stressing. One of the main benefits associated with yoga is the reduction of stress levels. Most people leave a yoga session feeling significantly more relaxed. The constant practice of yoga helps a person to experience that feeling of relaxation for a longer period of time and to be able to use it more effectively in stressful situations. This is key because stress triggers cortisol production, which in turn lowers testosterone production.

– Sleep better. People who practice yoga regularly tend to sleep better, and not just on nights when they’ve had a yoga class. Sleep deprivation is also associated with decreases in testosterone (and increases in stress). In addition, physical fatigue can have an impact on sexual desire and the ability to obtain and maintain erections.

– Weight problems. Regular participation in yoga can help a man lose weight, which not only makes him feel and look better, but also gets his testosterone back on track. Men who are at a healthy weight are also less likely to have blood pressure and heart problems, which again can have an impact on penile health and function.

Additionally, many yoga poses exercise parts of the body that can benefit a man during sexual intercourse. For example, yoga can help provide flexibility in the pelvis, increase arm strength for greater upper-body support during missionary positions and the like, and develop breathing in a way that promotes better endurance.

Of course, yoga alone cannot help with penile health or function. It is sensible for a man to regularly use a top-notch penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin) just to keep his penis in good general shape. It is best to use a cream that contains L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid that is part of the process by which nitric oxide is produced, which in turn keeps the blood vessels in the penis open and receptive to increased blood flow. The latter is a neuroprotective ingredient that prevents an overused or aggressively caressed penis from suffering decreased sensitivity.

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