These free diet tips are for those who dread walking to the bathroom in the morning to weigh themselves. Have you ever stood on the scale, half leaning against the wall, trying not to put your full weight on them, squinting at the dial, silently praying you’ve lost a pound? Or at least I haven’t gained any weight, God forbid. We know! We have also been there.

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to control our diet, the weight just won’t come off. It seems to be taking forever to lose it. Do not give up! Try our free diet tips first.

Free dietary advice – one

Perhaps your diet is bland and boring. Shake it up a bit. Get on a diet delivery plan with a lot of variety, like Nutrisystem, for example. Or if you’re cooking for yourself, get some new recipes to cure the blah. Don’t continue to eat the same foods day after day. People fail with their diet simply because of a lack of variety.

Free dietary advice: two

Always, always, ALWAYS have healthy snacks on hand. Stock your fridge with carrots, apples, oranges, celery, nonfat yogurt, fresh fruits and easy vegetables.

But are you out most of the day? No problem my friend. All of the snacks listed above are easy to take with you. When I used to work long hours with an even longer drive home, I would pack enough in my lunch box to have something to eat in the car. That way I didn’t dive into the fridge when I banged on the door, or worse, grab a bag of chips while I made dinner.

Free Diet Tip – Three

Take vitamins and supplements to keep your body happy and to keep your energy up. We don’t get the nutrients we need at the best of times, and we certainly don’t get enough while dieting. So make sure you get all the necessary vitamins.

Free Diet Tip – Oven

Get out there and walk, jog, exercise, whatever…but get moving! I have a friend on Twitter who has a lot of weight to lose. It’s easy to get discouraged or scared that this diet won’t work either, but I’ve told him that if he commits to exercising 3 or 4 days a week, he’ll start to see the pounds melt away. And you will too! Find an exercise you like and commit to it! You don’t like any exercise? Then walk fast. Anyone can walk… and if you have a puppy, think how happy they will be to go with you.

Look folks, it’s all about stacking the odds in your favor. It’s often the little things that make or break our diet. then our free dietary advice number five is this: Don’t set yourself up for failure. You know you’ll be hungry by mid-morning, so pack some fruit to eat. Be kind to your body and find an activity that you can enjoy. Hey, even dance lessons can be classified as exercise. Our point is this: you know what you need to do. Instead of getting discouraged, appreciate what you are trying to do.

Additional Diet Tip:

If you fall off the wagon, get back on. Don’t pass, don’t delay, get back up and start again. You only fail if you stop. You do NOT fail if you fall. Good luck!

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