Turn pain into pleasure …

The principle is simple and has absolute power over our lives. What we associate in our mind with pain we will avoid at all costs and what we associate with pleasure we will seek and want to experience more and probably as much as possible.

The only thing that ultimately separates people who succeed from those who fail are the actions they do or do not take. Those actions, or the lack of them, are primarily motivated by our associating them with pleasure or pain. If we associate pleasure with resourceful and empowering actions, then we tend to do inventive and empowering things. If we associate pleasure with actions without resources and without power, we will have to do things without resources and without power. And, if we associate pain with resourceful and empowering actions, we will tend to avoid doing them. The actions we do or do not take tend to determine the results we experience in our lives because what we do creates results that we learn, avoid, or even hide, ultimately associating them with pain or pleasure.

Pain and pleasure associations greatly influence our lives and are the main reason for the acts of overeating, smoking and drug abuse. As a consequence of the need to survive, both emotionally and physically, we learn strategies, which we enjoy and repeat or hate and avoid. An overweight person will have developed certain mental associations that, at least for them, represent more pleasure from eating than the pain of being overweight, shortness of breath, and possible premature death. The same goes for smoking and drug abuse. Conversely, those who avoid these ‘vices’ have learned to associate the reverse or degrees of them and are not at all pleased even with the idea of ​​participating in such activities. For them the association is one of pain and that is why they avoid it.

Logically nothing can happen until something happens and if action is the prerequisite for things to happen then the prerequisite is what makes us act in the first place, and that is the decision. Decisions are entirely based on the pain / pleasure principle. There is nothing that we do as human beings that is not done either to obtain pleasure or to avoid pain. Ultimately, every human act, good or bad, stems from the desire to obtain pleasure or avoid pain. Whether these acts are “normal”, “common” or “socially acceptable” is another question. It really has nothing to do with right or wrong, good or bad in terms of NLP, it is more about what serves us, empowers us and adds to the positive and satisfying quality of our lives.

The main reason people want more out of life, and yet fail to achieve it, is their inability to take regular and consistent actions that lead to their goals. The reason for this is their inability to feel how they should feel to take action.

For someone to be successful in making the desired adjustments and modifications in their life and to achieve their goals, whatever they may be, then mastery of the pain and pleasure associations is a fundamental necessity. By doing so, you will empower your mind to enjoy the things that need to be done to achieve what you want.

Our challenge is not that we lack the necessary resources to achieve something. It is our inability to manage our own brain in a way that allows us to act and continue to do so until we get what we want. The human organism is a natural machine of achievement. All of your neurological, biological, and physiological mechanics are designed to achieve, live, survive, and thrive. It is only our perception of pain and pleasure that prevents us from achieving the things we want most. Why? On some unconscious level, we associate them with some kind of psychological or emotional pain. This prevents us from taking action.

Looking back at your own life, what obvious, easy-to-remember results can you recall, desirable or not, that occurred due to actions you took to obtain pleasure or avoid pain? In reality, all the results you have experienced are due to your or someone else’s desire for one or the other. But consider some that were caused directly, due to your own associations with pleasure and pain. What do you do that you enjoy? What don’t you do that you don’t enjoy? What do you avoid? What are you looking for?

And what can you do to change all that?

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