I recently read that there are three stages to a crisis: prevention, response, and aftermath. For this article, a crisis is defined as a violent criminal act committed in a public place. In summary, the article discussed how to plan to prevent a crisis, offered suggestions on how to respond at the time of a crisis, and then what actions to take after the immediate crisis has passed. While the article doesn’t specifically mention two-way radios, I think it should have. This is why.

Businesses and institutions spend billions of dollars each year to help prevent a crisis. As the old saying goes, “not under my watch,” security personnel install cameras, metal detectors, X-ray machines, and a host of other tools to watch and record whoever comes and goes. The problem here is that these types of devices are only effective in “keeping the honest honest”. Two-way radios allow immediate notification of key personnel when a situation is seen to be developing. Two-way radios are the only tool available that offers immediate and instant communication at the touch of a button.

If a gunman walks into a building with the intent to shoot, it’s safe to assume that the guy with the X-ray machine will be the first victim. The key to protecting most people when a crisis is unfolding is to immediately communicate the threat and work to minimize it. The recent shooting at Fort Hood is a prime example of this. The military personnel were immediately locked up to keep them safe, and security personnel invaded the scene of the shooting. As a result, lives were saved. The Virginia Tech shootings several years ago showed weakness between the school and law enforcement officials because they failed to communicate and more lives were lost as a result. Two-way radios give key personnel the ability to communicate during a crisis and make decisions about how best to respond. Closing buildings and rooms immediately, getting security personnel to the right place, and eliminating confusion among those charged with leading during a crisis is key to de-escalating the situation.

The aftermath of a crisis offers its own set of challenges. You often have to deal with emergency services personnel, the media, law enforcement, and concerned family/friends. Providing the correct and coordinated response reduces panic, misinformation and further chaos. Your leadership team needs to communicate instantly, have the ability to coordinate on the fly, and come together to make immediate decisions. Two-way radios allow the team to spread out across the facility or campus while maintaining instant communication.

Unfortunately, incidents affect all types of companies and institutions. In the 30 days prior to this article, there have been shootings at a Publix grocery store in Florida, a Walmart in Texas, a roller skating rink in California, a school in Colorado, the Pentagon, and these are just stories that were national news. . Businesses and institutions should have a plan to protect their employees and customers, and two-way radios should be an element of that plan.

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