Typography on the Web – Design

More important than appearance or style is the layout of the text. On web pages, the text should be short, concise and direct.

Make every word count and don’t use passive language. Instead of “This link will take you to another of my graphics pages”, use command verbs like “Click here to see more graphics” or just “More graphics”.

Blank space

Divide the content into pieces of information separated by whitespace (that is, whitespace between blocks of text and / or graphics). Use this blank to distinguish the different sections of your site.

Reading is more difficult on screen; avoid long paragraphs. Don’t let your paragraphs, or any text, occupy the entire width of the screen.

Use margins and / or tables to keep the width of the text between 10 and 15 words per line.

Internal navigation links

Links to other sections of your site must be visible on the home screen; don’t make visitors slide to find them. If you are offering multiple links to other sites, don’t just list them, group them into categories.

Stay constant

Please note that not all visitors will enter your site through the “front door” (your home page). They could directly access any page on your site. Therefore, it is important to have the following on every page of your website:

The site or company name – A link to the home page / index – Links to other sections of the site – Email address of the contact person = Copyright information

Basic website checklist

1. Select the name and theme of your website

2. Know which graphics or photos to use and have them ready

3. Know what information you are going to include on this site.

4. Have determined the main sections and subsections and have listed them in order of importance.

5. Have a basic outline of your website

You need to select the type of font that you want to use and the colors that you will use for most of your text, links, and visited links.

Remember to consider your background color or image. Determine if it will make the text difficult to read and make changes if necessary.

If you are going to use a special font for your title and / or section headings, create them as graphics.


Your website typography design can make or break your website design. It’s the difference between a professional-looking site and one that shows a lack of thought and planning. Take as much time as it takes to plan and execute your website’s typography designs, as this will pay dividends in the long run.

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