Search the Christian Bible Web for the verse Genesis 1:26. Genesis is the first book of the Old Testament of the Bible. As Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt, God remained visibly close to them. The Hebrews received instruction and history from God, through Moses, over a period of 40 years. Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament.

“Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,” the verse says. I think this means that God included the Heavenly Host (the Angels) in his decision; they had a role to play in its application. Web search Genesis 3: 1-6. The serpent is Lucifer (Satan), who was in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, he was jealous, wanting for himself the attention that God gave to the two humans. Lucifer would not affront God, but he did tempt humans to disobey God. You probably know the rest of the story, but read on in Genesis to see that God reacted to both Lucifer’s insolence and the two humans’ disobedience. Do you feel emotion in God?

I think “in our likeness” means that we humans receive emotions from God as well as his image. If that is true, how would we make God laugh? Web Search Matthew 19:29-30. Think about it (my opinion): “The first” will tell God his plan or what they want God to do for them. Isn’t it funny that humans tell God what to do? The “last” hear that God is calling them and respond to the call, or offer themselves to God, without having been called.

My life is an example of the humor of God. I grew up in a family in constant confusion. I used to leave home to sleep in the woods, just to get away for a bit. My mother took me and my brothers to a Christian church on Sundays, but listening to the preaching did not awaken me to the presence of God. God called me around the age of ten while he was at a church youth camp. He invited campers to step forward if they believed in the Savior, Jesus Christ. The deep emptiness in my stomach scared me. I held the back of the bench in front of me tightly because my feet were moving into the aisle. The feeling passed in less than a minute and was replaced by deep regret. I was baptized a month later, but I was supposed to respond to the invitation when I received it, not do it out of repentance. I turned to prayer, but in all my prayers, I prayed as “the first”. Life at home deteriorated further over the next 8 years. I prayed, but my message was, “Lord, get me out of here. I want to live a life of adventure!”

God answered that prayer, and still answers it for me, after having lived a full life full of incredible adventures; above all, it was dangerous, terrifying, and sometimes heartbreaking. I received what I asked for. Now, I seek the grace of God every day. He is there, he has always been there, but I could not see him during my youth and my youth. My prayer today is to thank him for his grace and ask him what he wants me to do. I offer to write to him, something that he can hurt and use to help others see his grace in their lives.

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