Xbox 360 Red Rings of Death Repair for Modded Console – Permanent Fix

Xbox 360 is a video game console that was introduced by Microsoft in the year 2005. The difference between it and the ordinary video game console is that it is capable of playing games with high-quality graphics. You cannot find a separate graphics processing unit in the case of ordinary consoles. The next advantage is …

Travel in South Africa – Visit the Free State

With the world cup spotlight on South Africa, local tourism is getting a desperately needed boost. While major hubs like Cape Town and Johannesburg are already popular with tourists, it’s the smaller places that are getting much-deserved attention. This is a very diverse country and diversity is in much more than its people. The Free …

The next 18 months are critical for Sony and PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Sony is currently in a pickle with the PlayStation 3. Clearly they still can’t make a profit from the console. The PS3 has been at its current price point for a long time, and despite intense pressure, Sony is still reluctant to drop the price. Despite the argument that a Blu-ray player is included with …

A Beginner’s Guide To Starting Your Own Anime Figure Collection

Anime figurines are collectibles that are based on Japanese-style characters from TV shows, movies, manga (Japanese comics), and video games. The popularity of anime has grown significantly over the years, sparking a worldwide collecting frenzy. If you are interested in anime figures and would like to start the fun hobby of collecting them, you should …

Kelvinator Refrigerator – Quality and Durability

The Kelvinator fridge is a kitchen product that has certainly stood the test of time and has far exceeded. This particular kitchen appliance has been in the making for over nine decades, and although the company itself has gone through a series of changes and mergers with other corporations, consumers are motivated to add this …

Online pizzeria and takeaway specials

Gourmet pizzas continue to increase in popularity worldwide. In fact, these scrumptious and delicious dishes are quickly eclipsing traditional cakes all over the world. This is no more true than in Australia, which boasts countless pizzerias and convenient online ordering. From deep and thin dishes to bread dough, there are so many options available to …