Can Employers Customize Severance Pay Packages?

Employers Customize Severance Pay Packages Severance packages are typically provided to employees being laid off due to a company’s restructuring or downsizing. While there are no laws in the United States mandating employers offer severance pay, some companies do offer these packages to defuse hard feelings and help people find new jobs. The most common …

Handling Constructive Dismissal Claims

Handling Constructive Dismissal Handling constructive dismissal claims can be tricky for employers. Whether you’re dealing with an employee who has made such a claim or are proactively trying to prevent a constructive dismissal, there are many things to consider. Having a thorough understanding of the concept is the first step in protecting employees’ rights and …

Maui Fire Lawyers Seeking Compensation For Victims of the West Maui Wildfires

Maui Fire Lawyers The raging wildfires that ravaged West Maui last week destroyed a significant number of homes and other buildings. At least 115 people were killed and hundreds remain missing. Many of the victims are seeking compensation for their losses. Law firms that specialize in fire lawsuits have dispatched representatives from their offices to …

Umbrella Insurance offers comprehensive and affordable liability protection

No one likes to be faced with a legal challenge, but these unfortunate circumstances can all too often become a very real problem, especially for business owners and anyone with any type of valuable property or other assets. And the more someone owns, the more likely they are to face at least one lawsuit for …

Ethics Investigations of New Jersey Lawyers – The "ten day letter"

You just received a “ten day” letter from the NJ Bar Ethics Committee. Someone has filed a complaint against you and you are now a defendant in an ethics matter. You have been given ten days to respond in writing and provide certain records and documents by a person identifying themselves as a Lawyer Ethics …

Forex Trading, the solution to Kenya’s unemployment problem

Youth in Kenya are experiencing unemployment rates much higher than the rest of the Kenyan population, youth aged 15-19 and 20-24 had unemployment rates of 25% and 24% respectively, almost double the overall unemployment of 12.7% for the entire workforce. This is compounded by the growing problem of terrorism from the Al-Shabaab Militia group. The …

Best Practices in Implementing For-Profit Initiatives in Public Education

Many K-12 schools have looked at different means to increase accountability and achievement. Similarly, many state public educational institutions have the need to increase enrollment. To address these issues, both types of institutions are looking to the for-profit sector. K-12 Education In New York City, Michael Bloomberg and Joel Klein have adopted a structure that …