About twelve years ago, when I was a personal trainer, I saw a presentation called “Flatten Your Abs Forever.” I thought the guy was going to talk about exercises to develop a “washboard stomach” (6 pack, whatever you want to call it).

But he talked for 3 hours about why people get bloating and how you can’t have a flat tummy unless you have good digestion. I will never forget what I learned that day and I would like to teach it all to you.

There are three simple steps essential to achieving a sexy flat tummy and this article teaches you those very steps!

STEP ONE – Change your food!

The first step to getting a flat tummy is getting rid of foods that cause inflammation in the gut. Whenever there is inflammation in the intestine, the abdominal muscles close and the belly bulges out, making you look 7 months pregnant (in men too!)

I’m sure you know the feeling. It’s uncomfortable, often painful, and embarrassing. It takes out your confidence and makes you want to hide.

Start by ditching gluten, soy, and cow’s milk. You will be surprised at the results.

STEP TWO – Get the bad bugs out of your gut!

Sometimes even eliminating bad foods doesn’t work. Because?

Well, you may have “bad bugs” living in your gut, and when you eat, these bad bugs throw a party. Many of them ferment the food you eat, causing your intestine to fill with gas, gas, and bloating.

Bacteria like H. pylori (which I had), C. difficile, E. coli, Salmonella, and other usual suspects, yeast and fungus like Candida, and parasites of all sizes, shapes, and colors can be a real nuisance.

These little creatures set your gut on fire, eat your food and make your belly expand like a balloon.

To find out what bad bugs are lurking in your stomach and gut, you need to take a stool test. The ones my standard doctors give me are not that good. Get a test from a reputable specialty lab. There are 3 or 4 very good ones and they have distributors all over the world.

STEP THREE – Replace the good stuff!

If you don’t have enough stomach acid or digestive enzymes, you won’t digest food properly. Bad bugs love this: the less you digest, the more they have to eat, and that can only mean three things: bloating, gas, and bloating.

Can you find out if you have low acid and enzyme levels? Absolutely – a good stool test will give you this information, as well as finding the bad bugs.

The “good bugs” (also known as “dominant bacteria” or “probiotics”) are also very important: they keep the bad bugs away, support digestion, reduce inflammation, and generally keep your gut healthy. The latest research suggests they may even affect emotional function!

If your good bugs have been killed by antibiotic treatments, drinking alcohol, or eating a poor-quality diet, their absence can let the bad bugs in, prevent you from digesting food, and cause your belly to explode.

A good stool test will also tell you about your “good bug” population!


Getting rid of bloating and achieving that flat stomach you’ve always wanted has as much to do with your inner health as it does with your outer appearance.

You can do all the crunches and crunches you want, but if your gut is bloated and gassy, ​​it will keep coming out and causing you discomfort and embarrassment.

Take 90 days of your life and implement the three steps that I have taught you here. It’s worth it.

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