Do you notice rashes and pimples on your newborn’s delicate skin? It must be infantile acne, but don’t worry, it’s normal for babies to get acne too. This form of acne, also called baby acne, is common among one-month-old babies. However, there are also some cases where pimples are already present immediately after birth. It is temporary; however, it could recur intermittently over a six-month period.

As in adults, childhood acne is manifested by inflamed skin with tiny, raised white dots in the middle. You can usually find them on the cheeks, forehead, and chin. The causes of infantile acne are still unknown to specialists, although they can be triggered by skin irritation from saliva, milk, and clothing or fabrics that have been washed with strong soap and often held against the baby’s face. It can also be triggered by certain types of medications that the mother has taken while breastfeeding or those that were given to the baby.

Some experts claim that infant acne is caused by excess hormones that the baby has received from the mother in the later stages of pregnancy. The baby may be in the process of removing these active hormones from his body and infant acne is one of the ways that the baby does this. Other babies may respond to these hormones differently, and you may not even realize it.

Infant acne is not life-threatening as it is a normal cleansing process that babies go through, so don’t worry too much. It will only last a couple of weeks and your baby’s skin will be as smooth as before. In it manageable and in most cases, treatment is not necessary. But there are things you should avoid doing to prevent infections that could harm your baby. Many parents think it is caused by dirt, so they rub the baby’s skin. This should never be done as it will only irritate the skin and make it more inflamed. You can clean it with clean water and baby soap that is gentle on your baby’s skin.

Also, do not treat child acne yourself with ointments or oils, as these will only make acne worse. If the condition of childhood acne is severe, it would be best to take your baby to the pediatrician or dermatologist, who can recommend the appropriate treatment. Doctors generally recommend benzoyl peroxide creams, an antibacterial drug that helps kill bacteria that aggravate childhood acne. These can be purchased without a prescription.

The doctor may also prescribe a medication, which your baby may have to take for a certain period of time, but it is usually given only for severe infantile acne conditions. Childhood acne usually doesn’t last long, so they say the best solution is to be patient. If it doesn’t make your baby too uncomfortable, you better not worry too much about it either.

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