Install durable porcelain tile that looks exactly like delicate natural stone

While people would say that an imitation is a cheaper compromise, porcelain tile that looks like stone brings many advantages to the house. The robustness and ease of care of porcelain and affordable prices are not everything. Porcelain will not scratch or stain. It is light and easy to install, as well as avoiding humidity. …

Kitchen Renovations Increase Value and Make Your Home Sell

We’ve all heard the news about the dire state of the US housing market, but just because the economy is down doesn’t mean selling your home is impossible. Whether you’ve been trying to sell your home for months or thinking about putting your home on the market, a kitchen remodel is a surefire way to …

Home security for seniors and people who need assistance at home

Introduction The CDC (Centers for Disease Prevention and Control) indicate in recent publications that “Each year, millions of seniors, 65 years of age or older, fall.” These falls can often be severe, and there is strong evidence that for the elderly, those in recovery, or those with disabilities, each successive fall increases the likelihood of …