Disruptive behaviors are a fact of life for most children and are especially prevalent in children with ADHD and autism. Learning to control those behaviors is an ongoing and often frustrating process for them, their parents, teachers, and caregivers. Here are some tips to help correct disruptive behaviors in yoga class and at home.

  1. Communicate Expectations: Children need to know what is expected of them. Talk to them. Tell them what appropriate behavior looks, sounds, and feels like. Repeat often. This will make them more aware of their actions. I made this every time we went to the grocery store or ate at a restaurant with my little ones. The same is true for yoga class. Make sure your students know what is expected of them and when. Remember to make time for fun, noise and play.
  2. Teaching respect: The yoga concepts of ahimsa (nonviolence), brahmacarya (conservation) and caps (self-discipline) all relate to respect for oneself and others. Teach respect through conversations and stories. Praise children when they show respect. Remind them when they forget. Show respect in your own life, especially when dealing with a troublemaker. As tempting as it is, this is not the time to lose your cool. Practice Take 5 together as needed.
  3. Reward appropriate behavior: Incorporate rewards. Disruptive children often only receive attention for their inappropriate behaviors. Instead, catch them being good. Praise often by specifically mentioning what they are doing well. Choose a child who behaves appropriately to be the teacher’s assistant in a pose/activity. Exchange yoga ‘work’ for yoga ‘reward’; if they can focus on the poses in class/meditation, they can play a game of yoga/sing a song. I often reward my kids for good behavior with a trip to the pet store after running errands.
  4. Go ahead: Children thrive when they know what to expect. Set consequences and forever keep going, even when it’s inconvenient or embarrassing. This may mean pulling a child aside and reminding them of expectations. Sometimes a reassuring hand, whispered comment, or assignment of responsibilities will draw the child in and turn a negative into a positive. Some classes provide a quiet corner where children can go if they need some time alone or a break to breathe. If the negative behavior persists, ask the child to temporarily step away. Briefly talk about things away from prying eyes and ears, and then return to your normal activities, putting the incident behind you.
  5. practice patience: Remember that every child is growing and learning. They will overcome and learn to manage disruptive behaviors with time and consistency. Work on one behavior modification at a time. Stand firm and keep expectations realistic (5 minutes of good behavior for many is a win). Set kids up for success, then celebrate those successes lavishly.

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