Men, we are not lying here. For most men, a prominent display of a powerful chest, strong arms, broad back, and low body fat has alpha male written all over it, right? Since looking good in a fitted shirt can help attract the ladies, let’s not worry about doing the legs anymore, I mean you can always cover up with some jeans, right? Well, what if training your legs had a direct impact on training your upper body? Studies show that general fitness can be improved by training the legs.

Testosterone is a powerful muscle building hormone found more in men than women. This hormone is responsible for increasing muscle size and strength, as well as decreasing overall body fat. When you train smaller muscle groups, such as the biceps or calves, testosterone is released to aid in muscle recovery, increasing muscle strength and size over time. But only a small percentage of testosterone is released for these smaller muscle groups. Larger muscle groups, such as the chest and back, require more testosterone to be released into the system to recover the larger area and stress these larger muscles have created.

The quadriceps are the largest muscles in the human body and therefore require a higher amount of testosterone to recover. Over the course of a week, for example, without training your legs you will not reap the benefits of your body’s total testosterone production. Training your legs will increase the size of your overall muscles, not just your legs, and can help you lose a bit more body fat when you cut.

So the next time you think you can cover those chicken feet, remember that you could be bigger, stronger, faster, and leaner if you only took one day a week for a good leg workout. If not for the legs, do it for the rest of your body.

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