Having a dog is definitely one of the best things you could ever experience. Those adorable furry friends are among the cutest and most loyal animals in the world, and they will definitely bring a whole lot of joy to your home. They will bond with you and love you forever. However, if you think you would just have to feed and play with them, you are definitely not cut out for the task.

Dogs require a great deal of care. Sure, once they’re well trained and used to living with you, they’ll require little to no attention and can take care of themselves, but there’s a long way to go until they become this calm. How to potty train a dog is the first thing he should do, especially if he got his pet when he was only a couple of months old. He’s prepared for urine marks and worse all over the house; that will go on for quite some time. However, here are some tips on the subject that will really help you considerably.

take your pup out

You should take the puppy out. You should take it out a lot. Consistency, as well as repetition, is the most important thing to keep in mind. With this in mind, the more occasions you create to reward the dog for his good behavior, the quicker he will realize that he needs to relieve himself outside. Every time you take him out and do his job, have a treat ready. Encourage him, play with him and as a whole, be sure to reward him. The more you do it, the faster you will get the desired result.

Avoid negative reinforcement

Punishing your pup when he relieves himself somewhere in the house is not going to teach him anything other than that you are to be feared. Just keep going, things like this happen, he is an animal after all. Make sure you take it out more often, and things will fall into place much faster.
The use of appropriate rewards is also important. However, you may want to mix things up. You can give him a treat once and you can play with him the other time, you know, just to keep things versatile. This will give your pup the opportunity to understand that he is doing something right and that he will want to do it more and more.

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