Let’s face it: SEO is not easy for any company. It gets even more complicated when you have limited money, time, and resources. According to the latest Cluth Survey “Over 36% of small businesses already have an SEO strategy and the remaining 23% plan to develop one.”

In order to maintain and develop a long-term SEO strategy, it is important for small business owners to understand the best way to measure their SEO success. As a small business owner, if you’re looking for ways if your SEO strategy is working, here are three SEO success metrics that might be helpful.

  1. Traffic Retention

  2. Backlink quality

  3. conversion rate

Let’s see below how these three metrics can help you measure SEO success.

  • Traffic retention to measure quality search audiences

Every business wants to attract quality traffic to their website. Here Google Analytics plays a crucial role. It is one of the effective measures to know what type of public you want to target and what type of public is visiting your website. There are two metrics in particular that can help small business owners decide the quality of their search traffic. These are – Scroll Depth and Bounce Rate.

  • while moving Depth determines how far your visitors scroll down specific web pages. If they scroll down the entire page, it means your audience is interested in reading the topic.

  • Bounce Rate refers to those search engines who visited a single page of your website but then left your site without navigating to other pages.

  • Backlink quality defines the impact of incoming links

The quality of a backlink is measured by the total number of links from sites with a high domain authority. To know the quality of the backlinks used on your site, you need to make sure that these are relevant and backed by new domains that can have more impact.

Although you can’t control all the links that come to your website, you can target the quality of those links through guest posting. Make sure your targets include websites that offer domain authority, a new audience, and website relevance.

3. The conversion rate offers information about the effectiveness of the SEO strategy

Conversion rates play an important role in measuring small business performance metrics.

It lets you know how well you’re achieving SEO goals, along with the extent of success.

SEO success largely depends on generating as many leads as possible. Conversion rate is the total number of website visitors that are converting to your leads. By tracking this, small businesses can easily measure the impact of their SEO on their revenue.

wrapping the post

Every business needs context and time to measure and gain SEO success. By understanding the correct metrics to measure SEO success, you will surely lead the race and become a winner.

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