Your kitchen storage space requirements depend on your cooking and shopping habits, the size of the home, and your individual lifestyle. If your stored items are organized, finding and accessing them becomes much easier and faster. A trained kitchen designer can work with you to improve the utilization of your storage space, improving both ergonomics and access.

The use of shelves in low cabinets is bad ergonomics: it makes it very difficult to find items since it is impossible to get an overview of all the contents of the cabinet. It is quite common for a kitchen user to have to bend down and stretch when he searches for something. Also, they often have to remove the contents at the front to get to the items at the back.

Drawers and drawers, on the other hand, provide a good overview and direct access. They offer a ‘smarter solution for corner, sink and pantry units, allowing your organization options to remain flexible. The side and cross dividers, as well as the dishwasher-safe stainless steel containers, can be removed and rearranged to suit individual storage requirements.

An ‘all drawer kitchen design’ provides 50 percent more storage space than a conventional one. Additionally, the streamlined look of the design exudes style and sophistication while blending functionality with overall aesthetic appeal.

Choosing drawers for lower cabinets gives you much more flexibility, meaning kitchen items can be easily stored and retrieved. Baseline drawers are also better for storing large items like pots, pans, and saucepans. While pull-out trays provide similar functionality, they require additional cabinetry: doors and pull-out trays.

Now there are many clever solutions available for the ‘blind kitchen corner cabinet’. Using this area for items you don’t need to access regularly is usually the best solution. However, if you don’t have the luxury of space, products like the Lazy Susan (and the Pull-Out Lazy Susan) can greatly increase your accessible space. A wide range of other solutions are now also available, such as sliding, rotating or extendable systems.

Companies like Haefele and Blum have a variety of kitchen drawer organization and storage accessories in a variety of styles to help manage kitchen drawer chaos and help streamline food prep. These accessories actually create more space by organizing your kitchen drawers.

Popular kitchen accessories include drawer inserts, drawer dividers, twin cutlery dividers, drawer spice tray, utensil organizers, modular drawer organizers, expanding drawer organizers, and knife organizers.

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