It is the magical unicorn of the naughty parts of a man; is the perineum. But what magic does this space contain and why (and where exactly is it)? Let’s go through all the details about the male G-spot, or the P-spot as it is often called (even if it sounds like R. Kelly’s nightclub), so that all men can experience intense and prolonged orgasms.

What (and where) is the perineum?

The perineum is installed between the anus and the testicles. This small diamond-shaped area is filled with concentrated nerve endings, making it a 5-star erogenous zone for both men and women. Because it is rarely touched and has all those nerve endings, the sensitivity of the perineum is high compared to that of the penis, which receives much more regular care. While people have known about the area since presumably the dawn of time, it has only recently been talked about openly, and generally as the P-Spot, a game from the female orgasm factory, the G-Spot. This area is also known as the “stain”.

Did I hear you right … more intense orgasms?

Sensitivity of the perineum has been shown to cause men to have more frequent and intense orgasms. The perineum is so sensitive that it can become aroused in many different ways. Let’s see some.

Pushing the P-Spot

Well, don’t really screw it. Here are some ways that men or their partners can produce prolific P-Spot pleasure:

– It’s all in your hands. Apply a few drops of lubricant to the index and middle fingers and then very gently circulate the perineum, playing with light pressure and speed. Some people also like playful and pinching movements that are gentle but effective.

– Good vibrations. At low speed (seriously, start at low speed), slide a small vibrator slightly under the perineum during solo or partner play to experience a next-level release that would make any man see stars.

– Add it to oral. Pay some attention to the P-Spot with light licks, the weighted tongue moving and turning, and breathing and applying suction to the area. The couple that does this will likely quickly win the # 1 lover spot.

– Intensify sexual relations. During sex, a partner can reach the perineum from back to front (the area near the anus to the beginning of the balls), adding pressure at each end to intensify the experience. At some point, the natural blow of intercourse will take care of the movement on its own.

Not all P points are the same

The perineum is like a snowflake, unique. Because each person’s physical makeup is different, the sensitivity of the perineum varies from person to person. Some people will naturally be more sensitive, while others will have to work on their sensitivity. However, the best way to get to know the P-Spot is by using it! Whether alone or with a partner, experiment with the area and remember what works and what doesn’t.

Increases the sensitivity of the perineum

Now that men are aware of all the benefits of the perineum, it is natural that they want to increase its sensitivity. This can happen in many ways, but it all comes down to good blood flow to the area. This means not only maintaining a healthy weight, but also getting plenty of cardiovascular exercise to stimulate blood flow. Also, the longer the perineum is compressed (as can happen when sitting), the less sensitive it becomes.

Another way to increase blood flow to the perineum is to use a specially formulated penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically shown to be safe and gentle on the skin) It contains amino acids like L-Carnitine and L-Arginine that protect the nerves from friction damage and also makes the blood vessels dilate more effectively bringing more oxygen, nutrients and blood flow to the area increasing the sensitivity of the perineum. Add vitamins A, B5 and E which also increase blood flow to the veins and capillaries and it’s an instant victory at the P-Spot Olympics!

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