Mixed Media Art is a creative outlet that is available to everyone, regardless of the skill level of your artist and what materials you have on hand. While there are many techniques and skills that you will develop as you go along, all you need to get started is the desire to create something.

What is mixed media art?

“Mixed media art” is a broad definition that covers many arts and crafts, including handmade cards, collage, altered objects (such as books or boxes), book making, and art journals to name a few. Even scrapbooks can be included in this category; you are using papers and photos and other bits and pieces, therefore you are using “mixed media.”

What do I need to get started?

The best thing about creating a mixed media artwork is the flexibility to start with the things around you. To start you need a substrate or base. It can be a nice sheet of paper or cardboard, a sketchbook, a cereal box, or whatever else you have on hand. Then you’ll need something to stick with; glue sticks are fine to start with. Colored papers, pictures, and anything else that attracts attention can be glued onto the base. This is the collage part of the mixed media art genre.

If you are more interested in drawing or painting, when you have your base or substrate, you will need something to make a mark, be it pencils, paints, crayons, markers, or pastels. All of these things can be used in different ways to achieve varied effects. And they can be used in combination or separately. Of course, since our goal is “mixed” media, the more different tools you use, the more mixed it will be.

Another attractive feature of Mixed Media Art is that you don’t need fine art or drawing skills. That doesn’t mean you’re barred from mixed media art if you have these skills, but it opens up a world of creativity for the rest of us who like to do things but “can’t draw.” Getting started is as easy as using a pencil, scissors, and glue. These skills will expand and develop with practice. More complicated skills of mixing paints and developing your “artist’s eye” will happen as you expand your own creativity. As you move into these areas, specific skills will be introduced for particular media or types of art. As with many things in life, techniques and masters will appear when you are ready.

Where do you suggest I start?

Let’s start with a simple project, using materials that are not too expensive. Some people find it difficult to get started if we feel like we are “wasting” our things while trying something new. With simple starting materials, those new to mixed media projects can participate without worrying about this aspect.

Find an old cereal box, carefully cut along the folds and cut off the ends of the tabs, leaving a good-sized flat piece of cardboard. Place it on a flat surface, with the unprinted inner side facing you. Find your paints and brushes, and choose two or three colors that you like. If you are unsure about combing colors, choose a color with three different shades. Then start painting! You don’t need a trowel; Squeeze some paint directly onto the surface or squeeze a little so it can be applied with the brush. Don’t be shy – create swirls, lines, and squiggles. Just get a good paint coverage around the piece of cardboard. It does not have to be completely covered. Let it dry a bit, then add the next color. After drying, repeat with the third color. Let the piece dry completely. If it does bend a bit, place it under a heavy book and it will flatten out again.

By waiting for each coat to dry, each color will have its own space and will not mix with the other colors. I often work from the lightest to the darkest color, using less paint on each coat. But there are no hits or misses in this process; just go for what feels good to you.

Now gather your bits and pieces. Often times, a mixed media piece will contain an image, a few words or text, and a few pretty things or ornaments. Put them in your piece and feel how they sit and mix their parts with the other parts. Try moving some parts to overlap other elements. When you are satisfied with the arrangement, start gluing layers. Remember to start with most of the bottom pieces first. Once all the pieces are glued together, let them dry.

And now you’ve done it, you’ve created your first mixed media artwork! May it be the first of many!

You will only get better with more practice. Happy creation!

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