This is something the ancients used to do. But what are the benefits? I can only convey to the reader what has been my own experience. I have practiced fasting, intermittently, for forty-six years. I recently went back to fasting after several years without fasting.

What drove me was the pain and aches in my joints, regular headaches, insomnia, anxiety, cloudy mind, and general lack of energy that I have been experiencing. I went to my bookshelf for help and pulled out my old trusted friend, ‘Paul Bragg’s Fasting Miracle’. I honestly don’t know why I stopped reading this book, but I suspect it was due to the trappings of modern life. Good food, good wine, and a lazy life fueled by the notion that I’m too old now to do the same things I did more than four decades ago. However, according to Paul Bragg, that is not the case. Never say Never!

So, I started fasting again firmly making sure that this was what I wanted. In the past, if she was too hungry, she would sometimes give in and quickly run to the fridge. But this time… this time he wanted it to work again.

The first time I did a fast again was without food or water for twenty-four hours. I noticed that the hunger pangs subsided after a few hours. I slept a lot and spent time in my garden, in nature.

A slight headache set in, but I knew it was because the toxins were re-entering my bloodstream and giving my liver a run for its money. I knew that eventually the impurities would be eliminated from my body.

As the hours passed, I also dedicated myself to prayer, talking to God as if he were a person sitting in the same room with me. I felt closer to God. I could feel that fasting not only cleanses the body, but also the mind and spirit. I instantly knew it was a timeless sacred and spiritual practice that brings you face to face with the weaknesses of the flesh and the addictions of the mind. It is not an abstract practice, but rather an interdimensional journey.

My thoughts were all over the place. My emotions started to surface, but after a while, things calmed down and it was becoming clear to me what was really going on with me. It was a time of chaos as the energies aligned.

From what I had read and experienced, I also knew that my life experiences that were imprisoned in every cell of my body were being released during a Fast. Paradigms changed and my Self changed for the better, as I aged gracefully.

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