The SQUARE FACE means that it is stable, direct, frank, incorruptible, honest, self-sacrificing, dedicated, faithful, stubborn, with deep convictions.

The FOREHEAD shows that it is not physical and that it is an objective thinker. Paternal problems are also seen on the forehead due to the rough areas. She is intelligent and decisive.

The EYEBROWS are smooth, thick, long and elegant. They show a long life. She is at peace with her surroundings. They are arched, indicating that she appreciates good manners. She is tolerant, energetic with organized thoughts. She is tough, proud, emotional, aggressive.

The large light brown EYES are practical, firm, self-sufficient. She has charm and charisma and can be very emotional. The wide upper eyelid means that she is a person of direct action.

She can be jealous and is easily swayed as seen in drooping eyes.

The large, upturned NOSE means that she is generous and likes to help others. She is independent and resourceful. He likes to spend money and can get cranky. You find it difficult to focus on just one thing.

The groove under the nose is flat and wide. It is almost absent. This could shorten your life. She can have 2-3 children.

The big MOUTH with full lips is generous and close to his family. She is sensual and emotional. The crooked lip line shows the suspicious nature of her.

The EARS are large and thick, even with the eyebrows. This shows good fortune, but physical problems. She will be successful and popular.

Round CHEEKS show great mastery of power. A strong jaw and chin indicate that she is stubborn and firm in her ways. The square chin indicates that she will be a good leader.

The left eye is slightly higher than the other. She overreacts and daydreams. The left side of her face seems calm, cold, genuine. The right side of the face puts on a warm and happy facade.

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