Reiki actions have been an integral part of my spiritual development and I honestly don’t know where I would be today if it weren’t for them. I met like-minded people, expanded my mind to new horizons, opened my heart to unconditional love, learned about various energy healing techniques that go with Reiki, learned great tips to use when giving treatment, and how to improve my self-healing. .

While some may be cautious or miss the point, all who regularly attend Reiki actions find them helpful. First-degree Reiki healers join Reiki teachers and second-degree Reiki healers, and in some groups, they also join other modality healers and newcomers exploring their spiritual path. It is an amazing energy gathered in one place. And he also makes friends with regulars and gets great support from his soul mates.

The different actions of Reiki are performed in different styles. So you can try a few and choose the one that suits you best. Or you can go to a few each month and enjoy the different experiences in each one!

Most groups start with introductions, with everyone saying their name and what they want to get out of the group.

Then some actions are grouped together, say from three people, one lying on a massage table and the other two giving them a healing. The Reiki Master running the share monitors the time and asks them to change after, say, 20 minutes, so that everyone has a chance to heal and be healed. Some groups also have chairs and capes, and the same is true of chairs. Chair healing provides a great experience of healing in the environment most often experienced at home, and the sofa setting provides good treatment and gives professionals more experience and a taste of what they provide. It really is something that two or more people must heal; absolutely heavenly!

Some groups focus on self-healing, where the Reiki Master leads the group in meditation, reflection, and self-healing. Some Reiki Masters incorporate a question and answer session or use that time to provide supervision and guidance to their students. Most Reiki Masters accept healers from other Reiki Masters and some accept Reiki healers attuned to any discipline. It’s a good idea to ask if this is okay when looking to research stocks in your area.

Some actions also do a Reiki healing circle in which they hold hands or heal the person in front like a train, forming a large circle. This works especially well for larger groups. And some healing circles channel healing to others outside the group who have requested a distant healing or, for example, to a part of the world that needs healing.

Other happenings in Reiki actions include the Reiki master directing through a Hatsurei-Ho or simply through the Reiki Principles. Other Reiki Masters use the chakra system and incorporate Reiki through the chakras. They both balance and focus. The former is based on ancient Japanese wisdom, while the latter borrows from ancient Indian traditions.

It can be a person from a small group or a person from a large group, and you can have your preferences, for example, which Reiki discipline the Reiki Master is from. A good group is supportive and friendly, no matter how large or small it is or its main content. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and that you can grow and develop. Everything else is Reiki. And that’s really amazing.

Reiki actions usually end with big Reiki hugs and happy goodbyes. If you haven’t been to a Reiki action yet, try one; You may be pleasantly surprised.

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