A simple question that has arisen is whether men should be concerned about the relationship of having six pack abs and whether strengthening the abdomen will prevent a man from being able to self-inflate (oral self-stimulation of a man’s own penis).

Tight abs will not hamper a man’s ability to perform autofellatio. Actually, such attention to the abdominal region will really help a man to achieve self-sealing.

The reason for this is that there are “planes” going up and down in front of the body (anterior) and behind the body (posterior). These planes are made up of fascia and muscles. These planes literally connect the toes with the head. And they balance each other. Which is to say that they have a synergistic purpose in their design and situation: they work together to maintain balance through muscular opposition.

Imagine wearing a Barbie doll. You should be able to stand (stand up), if your limbs are positioned correctly, without falling. However, if you flex your upper body forward and try to make it stand up on its own, what happens? You cannot stand up when your center of gravity has been repositioned. Therefore, she will fall forward. The same is true if you extend your upper body back. In these conditions, when you try to get him to stand on his own two feet, he will fall backwards.

This teaches us the importance of a proper physio-mechanical “balance” in the body. If the posture of the body is biomechanically balanced, then a person can stand straight without much effort from the muscle group or groups necessary to maintain this balance.

And with respect to these planes: they act against each other for postural balance. If the anterior (frontal) plane is stronger than the posterior (posterior) plane, then the person will be pushed forward in flexion. If the posterior plane is stronger than the anterior plane, this will cause the body to extend backwards. (We’ll call this “the Barbie problem”).

The problem is that many of us have bad posture. Most of this is due to working at desks all day, having poor sleeping positions, and slouching in chairs. Most of our resting states are based on poor posture. When we develop imbalances in our body like this, certain muscles / muscle groups will become stronger (and tighter), while others will become weaker (and more lax).

This imbalance forces our muscles to tense up and work harder to stabilize or balance the “natural” position of our body. What does that mean? It means that your muscles are working too hard to keep their position (in three-dimensional space) neutral. Under normal postural and biomechanical conditions, the muscles hardly need to contract to maintain the body’s balance (a normal tone should be sufficient). With a posture that has incorrectly substantiated its manifestation in the body, the result is that the tensions derived from counteracting these opposing muscle groups will force other muscles (opposite, but in balance) to insufficiently counteract the effect of their basic body-mechanics. balanced.

Going back to the six pack crunches: By strengthening the abdominal area, we help counteract the effects of poor spinal posture and weakened spinal muscles. Do you remember our Barbie doll and the “Barbie Problem”? When he tried to stand in a flexed or extended position, he fell. This is because its center of gravity had shifted from its normal epicenter. Because Barbie is a plastic doll, her opposing muscle groups cannot counteract this alteration which was the result of the relocation of her center of gravity (because she has no actual muscles). So, like this, she falls.

However, in the case of humans, if we flex or extend the upper body (with an unchanged pelvic position), the opposing muscles will contract to maintain an upright posture so that we do not lose balance and fall. This is an unconscious protective mechanism that all animals have.

This is why people with poor posture are almost always exhausted at the end of the day. Even if one is “working” at a desk job. What happens is that certain muscle groups are constantly “exercised” just to keep your body in a balanced position so that it can function in its “environment.” This constant force drains the body of tons of energy. The sequelae of such chronic imbalances and tensions manifest as tension and tension in the (counter) balanced muscles of the body. This can lead to headaches, insomnia, and a general feeling of being unwell. You feel tired, exhausted and beaten at the end of the day.

Back to abs and their potential impact on self-sealing: Since humans spend much of their time sitting down, usually in poor posture, most of us tend to have weakened abdominal muscles. What is the opposite effect of this? Usually, it means that we have the most tense, shortened and contracted back (leg muscles). These muscles / muscle groups have simply responded to years of poor posture; as well as having become a reactive counterweight to our weakened abdominal muscles (they tend to go hand in hand).

So for most people, strengthening the abdominal muscles will not only strengthen these muscles, but due to the contractive component of the balance of the posterior leg contraction, it will help most of us to have better posture. This leads to fewer calories being burned by unnecessary muscles that have to contract for no reason. It also means that, through the restoration of normal biomechanics, this actually helps increase spinal flexibility. This is because the normal biomechanics of the body will be reintroduced through / strengthening the resting tone of the abdominal region (normal). This restores the body’s naturally balanced posture by biomechanically forcing the opposing muscles to “relax” and return to their normal, non-tense / tense state. This relieves the tension in the back muscles. This “relief” of tension allows for greater flexibility in the spine because there is less opposing force from these muscles.

In effect, strengthening your abdominal muscles will increase your ability to self-inflate.

Kimi kalfino

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