Website speed: how to check and improve website load times

Have you recently checked how long it takes to load your website or web pages? Google is considering adding web page speed as a ranking factor in search engines. If your site doesn’t load fast enough, your ranking may drop. Google is constantly trying to improve people’s search experience so that results are fast and …

Poetry as a means of negotiating Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related diseases

Book Review: Kakugawa, Frances H. Breaking the silence: the voice of a caregiver. Nevada City, California: Willow Valley Press, 2010. Despite the amazing achievements of science and technology, the problems of human life and destiny are not over, nor have the solutions been seriously affected by scientific knowledge. Alzheimer’s disease, which currently affects about 10% …

Puppy mills, fake rescues, animal thieves, and now flipping dogs! How low can The Sleaze go?

It has been almost a year since I had a very bad experience with the rescue of a local puppy mill. That experience led me to begin researching the various aspects of puppy mills and dog rescues. In this research, I have come across far too many activities that are the work of truly sordid …

What you need to know about hiring a bus rental service

For long-distance travel, the most preferred mode of transportation is the bus or train. Because buses do not have sanitary facilities, traveling by bus can be a great effort. But buses these days are equipped with all the necessary facilities for remote travel. The luxury buses are loaded with all the mod cons, from bedding, …