Chalk and talk schools are a thing of the past. The modern era has given way to changes in all areas of life, how to leave education behind? New age schools, known as international schools, are taking over. These schools include students and staff who come from different cultures and teach programs that represent a global perspective. For expats, this might be the best option. However, please do not confuse any school that offers an American, Canadian, GCSE (British), IB (International Baccalaureate) or IGCSE (the international component of the British GCSE) international curriculum as an international school. Schools that incorporate the IB and IGCSE are truly international schools. In India, you will find that most international schools offer a mix of IB, ICSE and IGCSE.

Is an international school worth it? If you have checked the level of education at the school and can afford to put your child in one, it definitely is! Compared to the monotonous syllabus and teaching materials used in traditional schools, international schools seem to be a breath of fresh air for the new age learner. International schools in India offer a good mix of cutting-edge teaching and internationalism built on the necessary foundations of an Indian culture. Not only that, even after students have completed their education at international schools, they are recognized and even offered scholarships at universities around the world.

Most international schools follow the International Baccalaureate, which is accepted as entrance to universities around the world. One can easily locate International Schools in the major cities of the world, although some are located in green spaces; hill stations or on the outskirts of the city with boarding options as well. International schools offer a wide range of extracurricular activities that broaden the horizon of the child by offering enough academic exposure and providing new interests and hobbies.

Finding the right international school for your child can be a tedious process. Answer these questions and make the process easier for yourself:
1. What accreditation has the school been awarded?
2. Does the school follow the Indian or American year?
3. What is the background of the teachers at the school?
4. What are the activities reserved for your child?
5. How will you help the child get used to the last change in location?
6. Will the transportation be in charge of the school itself?
7. What kind of food is served in the cafeteria?

Before considering the international school directly, log on to their website and check out all the details available online. Talking to colleagues who have returned from working abroad and who have enrolled their children in schools will help you find the best international school. It is also an easy option for expats, in case your children are used to studying in an international environment. Remember that not all children need the same things, so it is very important to find the best option for your child.

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