A proven fact, article writing and marketing are a free way to spread the word and thus traffic to your website or blog. Traffic, as all internet marketers know, is the lifeblood of your web business. You may have the most beautiful website in the world complete with intricate Flash integration and dazzling graphics to present your product or service, plus engaging user interaction, but if no one sees it, it is simply useless fodder in the vast expanse of the world. Cyberspace.

But is there more to article writing than simply being a vehicle for attracting potential customers to your site? There certainly is if you take the time to consider that an article is representative of who you and your company are.

However, it is truly surprising that so many people do not take this key component into consideration when sitting at their computer to write an article. Instead, they simply proceeded to scrape random thoughts and attempted benefit descriptions in a weak and hasty attempt to just write something “on paper” and post it in the hope that it would be sufficient to achieve the goal of convincing. To the reader, it is worth further researching the topic, vis-a-vis by clicking through to the website!

If one had to take the time and expense to produce a newspaper or magazine ad for your company’s product or service, you can bet that it would be well-rated, formatted, and edited before being released to the public for viewing and viewing. analyze. After all, you are marketing your business and, in most cases, at substantial cost. Why would an article be different?

It shouldn’t, and even if it’s not costing you money outright, there’s still a cost in the way of how unfavorably viewers of your article may look at you if it’s poorly written and presented.

Here are some critical areas in which you should analyze your articles:

Spelling and grammar

We have become a society of instant gratification, instant results, and instant diffusion. Email has become fertile ground for perceived ignorance of the fundamentals of formatting, spelling, punctuation, and grammar; in short, a forum for the general slaughter of the English language.

Rather than becoming a replacement, but still retaining the proper basics of writing as it was supposed to be as in traditional handwriting or typewriter, email has spawned a generation of shortcuts, grammar killers. and spellings that make English teachers want to puke. and make the general public look like a bunch of illiterate jerks, even if they aren’t. The purpose of email at its core is to communicate faster than waiting in the mail, not to destroy the entire English language, and it has morphed into messing up everything we do when it comes to written forms of communication.

We’re not even going to get into instant text messages since I don’t want to 2 take 2 hours 2 try 2 d ci for 2 in 2 something. It is understood?

Anyone reading this article will know exactly what I am talking about because we have all seen or even been guilty of drafting and transferring these miserable excuses to “write letters” to our friends, family or the ultimate transgression; business partners, business contacts and the worst crime; Communication with our customers and articles is no different!

If you’re going to write quality articles and yes, even email, you need to keep the principles and fundamentals of good grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting intact. There really is no excuse for anything but self in light of the fact that along with all the instantaneous assimilation of information and dispersal of it associated with the internet comes instant online tools such as spell checkers, dictionaries, encyclopedias and thesauri. .


Even with modern computer technology, there are problems with certain punctuation marks. In particular, the apostrophe key can wreak havoc. Have you ever seen someone typing the word you and the apostrophe is missing or replaced by a strange character?

Here’s a technical explanation for this: Every character you type is seen on the screen as a letter, a number, or a mark that you understand. However, deep down, each character is represented by a number that is part of the ASCII code. (ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange). The code is a 7-bit binary number and the combination of ones and zeros allows up to 128 characters. These are letters (uppercase and lowercase), standard numbers and punctuation marks, diacritics, etc. I would think this would allow for even more complicated punctuation (“curly” quotes instead of “straight” quotes, for example), except that a few dozen of the codes are used for computer instructions.

Extended ASCII and Unicode are two of the codes that people have produced to cover less common marks: copyright, trademark, etc.

Quotation marks “curly” do not fit standard ASCII. When a program like Microsoft Word uses fancy quotes (it can be set to do this automatically), or to convert 2 hyphens to one hyphen, it looks great on screen or on paper. But when you send this file to a program that doesn’t recognize Extended ASCII or Unicode, you get bad results.

When you see an email in which an abbreviated word has become verbiage, it is the result of the current program trying to translate preferred code from other programs to yours.

So the short answer is to use straight quotes if you want to be sure or better yet, try using less abbreviated words and incorporate writing that uses the traditional long version. You’ll never know how much better this looks than ever. You’ll never know how much better this looks, until you see it!


Equally important in presenting your articles as a professional is formatting them correctly. In this article I am not going to go into all aspects of formatting such as bullets, numbering, tabs, etc. but if you don’t do anything else, use the paragraphs correctly. A paragraph must be unified, coherent and well developed. Paragraphs are unified around a main point, and all sentences in the paragraph must clearly relate to that point in some way. The main idea of ​​the paragraph should be supported by specific information that develops or discusses the main idea in greater detail. There is nothing worse than an entire article written in one giant paragraph and trust me, I have seen many written like this.

In summary; your articles represent you and your company. It should not only be a matter of course for the proper use of everything we have discussed, but a matter of pride in how you present yourself and your product, service and company. I know personally I see everything that is written to sell me or move me emotionally or financially, that it is poorly presented in a very tenuous way and I bet most people see it the same way, so practice and start professionalism in the writing your article at any time if you wish. Make a good impression and get your targeted viewers to visit your website or business and buy your products and services.

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