What makes a computer shirt fun? I think it’s the ability to take a direct programmatic approach to humor. OK, actually, I think the unexpected is the most fun. Wearing a funny t-shirt is like wearing a joke, and people love a good joke. So if you love computers or work with them, you’ll enjoy my top 7 funny computer shirts.

Brain Loading T-shirt. Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, yeah my brain is at 30%… maybe I should go out for coffee and a bagel until I’m full. This shirt is ideal for any computer lover.

It’s all fun and games until someone writes a wrong code t-shirt. Every programmer knows it. Bad code is like a dark cloud of doom hanging over the possibility that you have some kind of weekend coming up. The bad code t-shirt at least shows you have a sense of humor.

No, I will not fix your computer shirt. Anyone who works with computers knows the burden of being asked to fix the computers of others blindly surfing the internet downloading everything on Tom, Dick and Harry’s websites only to discover their computer has a virus.

Step aside the programmer is here t-shirt. Take a step back and watch the sheer genius of the programmer who, with a magical wave of his invisible magic wand, will make all the faulty code disappear. Programming team active!

Easy to wear t-shirt. We all want to be considered friendly. Here’s your chance to show it off publicly.

SQL Computer T-shirt. Select * From Users Where Smart = True; No rows were returned. You may not want to use this around marketing people. You may eventually be found out and you may be left without a good job. But, if you’re hanging out with a bunch of other programmers, you’ll be the envy of the bunch. There is simply no intelligent life out there.

Failure is not an option, it comes bundled with the software t-shirt. Wow, I thought failure was optional. I knew this whole grouping concept was a gimmick from the start. I prefer to buy my failure a la carte.

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